Monday, December 8, 2008

I was trying to download an image of Josh and Mike playing wii, but I got the wrong one and now I can't edit it. So here is a picture of our rocket launch during easter 2008. We try to do this every year. This particular rocket crashed and burned on its maiden flight. Josh was in tears, but at least we got pictures for the memories. I will try and get better at this blogging thing. I tried to do a slideshow, but it kept blocking my images from being downloaded because my internet security is too tight.
I have another baby doctor appointment tomorrow. They are now doing stress tests on me every week. It has been really hard to keep up my schedule and do that for an hour. I am always afraid that my contractions will be to much and they'll end up keeping me there like my last pregnancy. That would not be fun. I am quiting my job on Dec. 19 to be a full time mom. It will be a change, but we feel it will be necessary. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Hi everyone. I thought that I would write a quick post and let you see my cute little monkey in a tree with "Sim-Sim" his panda bear that he got from San Diego. Everything is good here and we are excited to have snow finally. I probably wont be saying that next month. Have a good day.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

San Diego Zoo

I just thought that I would publish a quick picture of our San Diego Vacation. I have lots more, but they will have to wait. This is Mike, Josh, Cyrena and Baur (as if you couldn't tell). Josh is wearing his "puppy" which really helped to keep track of him. We had great fun! Bye for now.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Sept 29, 2008

So, you are probably wondering what has been going on. Okay, so maybe not, but I am going to tell you anyway. We officially unpacked the last box on Saturday and are using our garage for the first time. Yeah!
My appointment on Thursday went good. They found a little cysts on my left ovary which should go away with in the next month or so. They also found 2 cysts in the babies brain, which means nothing. Every baby has those, but if they don't disappear in the first 26 weeks then there is a chance for downs syndrome. Yikes! I really hope I have better luck then that. We also found out that Josh is having a little baby brother. I have a lot of things for a boy so it works out really well and I hear that they are easier to raise.
Well, I am being attacked by a cute little monkey. Hope you guys have a great day!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

News for September

Hi everyone...who is still checking my blog since I never up-date it. Here is whats going on in my world. We are moving on Saturday Sept. 20 to our new Riverton home. We are excited and I think that I have packed my brain somewhere in a box, I just can't seem to find it. Cousin Jessie if you are reading this I need to talk to you about new insurance.
We find out what the baby is on Thursday morning. We are thinking if its a girl to name her Molly Ann and if it's a boy to name him Trevor Paul. What do you guys think of those names?
Mike is officially done with MRI. He took his test on Aug. 30 and he passed with an 84%. I am so proud...tear.
We are off to San Diego in October. Yeah, I know its crazy to move and then go on vacation, but I will have definitely earned it. Let me know if there are any deals that you know of for Sea World and such. Well, have a wonderful day. I will try and up date this after we move so you will know what we are having. T.T.F.N.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

new house

here it is guys

Friday, June 27, 2008

Update 6/27/08

Sorry, its kind of hard sometimes to keep up with blogging. I have had a lot going on. First off I am expecting. My due date is Feb. 19, 2009. We are excited my first ultra sound will be on July 11th. I don't think that its twins this time...well I hope not. Josh had been awful since we found out. He tells me that he is my "baby" and he wont leave me alone.
Mike is finally finished with his MRI classes. No more 15 hour days. Yeah! He also just got a job at the new IMC hospital here in Salt Lake as an MRI tech. He will take his final test in August.
I have been working a lot on Josh's video. It has taken nearly a month and it is still not finished. For those of you who don't know, we have done a video for Josh every year since he was born. It's a nice way to organize everything and Josh loves them. I don't know if I can post some of it. I might need a little help from my fellow bloggers. Let me know.
Well, I hope you have a wonderful 4th of July and that I will get better at this blog thing.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Halloween I know halloween was almost 6 months ago. I'm just trying to learn how to do this blog thing. I will probably have lots of crazy pictures on here before I get it figured out. I'm just keep you entertained.

Playing in the tent

I'm learning all sort of new things with this blog. It about time I got into the 21st century. Anyways, this is a picture of Josh playing in his tent system that he got for Christmas. It has 3 different tents that are connected with tubes. He enjoys it and has almost learned how to put it up by himself.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Getting Started

Welcome to the Mike and Kassy blog spot. This is my first time doing this, so it going to take me a while to get use to it. I guess you can say that I have bent under peer pressure. My mom in law has been telling me to do this for months now, so here I am. I will post more later. Bye