Alex was born on February 8, at 5:30 a.m.. Even though the doctor wanted him to wait for at least another week, Alex decided that he wanted to come into this world sooner. He isn't very big but he is strong and very healthy. Alex weighed in at a big 5 lbs even and was 19" tall. He lost a couple of ounces in the hospital but has added to his weight. He loves to eat and sleep which Josh doesn't really like. Or like Josh says "Baby cry!" He really doesn't cry that much only when he is hungry or we are changing his diaper. For weeks Josh has asked several times when baby come home and now he looks for baby all over the house and even today asked if baby was gone. In the next few weeks and even years I'm sure that he is going to take very good care of his baby brother. He loves being the big brother and even wearing his big brother t-shirt.
I was able to experience labor for most of the day on Saturday the 7th and thought about having a regular delivery but thank goodness Mike and I decided on a c-section. The cord was around his neck which would have caused a few problems. Thank goodness we were being watched over.
Being home is proving to be a little bit interesting trying to adjust to having two little boys. Mike will be having next week off and so with his help we will get used to our larger family. I'm just very happy to have Alex here and being healthy and strong.
Enjoy the pictures.