Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter 2009

We dyed Easter eggs, hands, and the counters (sorry mom) at grandpa's house. I found that Dawes is the only egg dying kit that has 9 colors, everyone else only has 5. Just thought you would like to know.
This is Josh with Mike's big rocket. This was the first and last time it flew. The rocket engine malfunctioned and it hit the pavement hard. It was pretty funny. There was nothing really left of it.

We set up a tent in mom and dad's living room because it was too cold to go camping. So, Josh and Mike slept in it on Saturday night. Josh set up the inside of the tent with all the necessities including a chair, jeep, food and his sleeping bag.

This was Alex's first holiday and you know what he did...he slept the whole time. He did get an Easter basket with bottles and a fuzzy duck bunny. We even got him a rocket that was about the size of his whole body. It was raining almost the whole weekend so Alex stayed inside with grandpa while we launched rockets.


Mrs. Walker said...

Those are great photos! Thanks for inviting us down, we had a great time. And you're right, it was pretty awesome watching that rocket plummet into the ground! ha.

mom o said...

I love looking at the pictures of the Easter that I missed. Thank you for sharing with me. I really miss the boys and I can't wait to see them in a few days. As for the dress I'm sure that you have found one by now or I can help you on Monday after we fly in.
Love you all

Sarah C said...

It looks like you had a great Easter. Your boys are so cute!