Thursday, September 3, 2009

Messy boys!

Just when you think your life has nothing to blog about something happens and here we are. The other night I was cooking dinner and I hear it "raining" in our bathroom. It could only mean one thing, that Josh was having fun. Sure enough, I go in there and he had plugged the sink and was splashing water all over the walls and floor clear into the hall way. I had an inch of water on my floor. You would be proud of me, I didn't yell, I just made him clean everything up. Here is the proof...he can be taught!We have dug out the old high chair. It is harder to feed him in it then on my lap, because he see's the food coming and gets so excited that he hits the spoon with his hand before it reaches his mouth. He thinks that he could feed himself, you should see him with a sippy cup, it is to cute.


mom o said...

I can't wait to see him with his sippy cup. I'm proud of you and not yelling. Believe me you will look back on this some day and laugh. It will bring back the good memories and it is now something that you get to hold over Josh with his kids. Love you

Grimm Family blog said...

funny story! today bauer dumpped an entire bottle of water on the couch! what is it with water?