Tuesday, September 16, 2008

News for September

Hi everyone...who is still checking my blog since I never up-date it. Here is whats going on in my world. We are moving on Saturday Sept. 20 to our new Riverton home. We are excited and I think that I have packed my brain somewhere in a box, I just can't seem to find it. Cousin Jessie if you are reading this I need to talk to you about new insurance.
We find out what the baby is on Thursday morning. We are thinking if its a girl to name her Molly Ann and if it's a boy to name him Trevor Paul. What do you guys think of those names?
Mike is officially done with MRI. He took his test on Aug. 30 and he passed with an 84%. I am so proud...tear.
We are off to San Diego in October. Yeah, I know its crazy to move and then go on vacation, but I will have definitely earned it. Let me know if there are any deals that you know of for Sea World and such. Well, have a wonderful day. I will try and up date this after we move so you will know what we are having. T.T.F.N.


Melissa said...

When I was at costco yesterday I saw a three for one thing for the Zoo, wild animal park and sea world. I don't know if it would be beneficial to you, but it is on costco's website. If you just type San Diego into the search bar, it should bring it up. We are excited for you guys to move closer!!!

mom o said...

I'm so proud of you that you posted an update. I can't wait to see you especially Josh on Thursday night. Let me know about the discount tickets because to get into Sea World we are going to need all the cuts we can get. Love you.