Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas 2009

Since I don't think my computer could do a slideshow with blogger, I have to do it the long way. We enjoyed Christmas this year. It will be the first Christmas that Josh remembers and Alex's first Christmas ever. We went to the Pratts on Christmas eve to eat pizza and play games. On Christmas morning we got up about 730am and opened all the Christmas gifts. The Oveson's came over for Christmas dinner and played with Josh all day. We are so lucky to have 2 sets of wonderful grandparents. Thanks for everything! We hope to see you guys at our new years party. Call or email me if you want more details.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Stupid broken heart

So, I wake up Tuesday morning to a beep-beep sound and freaked out. My defibullator was having issues and it was letting me know. Ahhh! Anyways, we contacted the Dr. and I have another lead problem and will be going thru surgery on Tuesday. If that wasn't crazy enough, I also got a phone call that day to come in for a job interview. Long story short, I got a job at as a physical therapy assistant and will start on the 30th. (if all goes well). Thanks in advance to the moms for helping with my 2 cuties. Everything else is normal, if you can consider anything normal in my family. Josh is finally going back to school Monday, which is good, I love him but he can drive me crazy sometimes. I will let you know the outcome when I am feeling up to it. Thanks for all the support.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Halloween 2009

Our pumpkins. Mike help carve all the pumpkins. Josh wanted his with 3 eyes and I wanted the littlest pumpkin to have the same amount of teeth that Alex does. (4) Mike and I decided to have a normal pumpkin. This year Josh dressed up as Peter Pan and Alex was a puppy. Van was "Grr", a robot dog. He was so mad when we took the pictures, but it is still pretty cute. Thanks to mom for taking time and effort to make all of the cute costumes.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Pumpkins in the Patch

We have been home since Friday afternoon. Thankfully. They were talking about keeping us there until Sunday morning and I almost throw a fit. (It wasn't pretty!) We had a bit of a problem with the pharmacy losing prescriptions that they just had in there hand, so it took about an hour, then to make matters worse, they only filled 5 out of the 14 days. So, I had to go back up to Primary's to get the second half. I was pretty steamed. We are back to normal.
Josh was so happy to be going back to school and riding the bus. He is now off track for 3 weeks. I haven't figured out what I am going to do with him yet, any suggestions?
We went to the pumpkin patch on Monday night. It was right when that really cold storm was coming through so it started to get really cold and it was windy. We try to go to the pumpkin patch every year. It just something about picking the pumpkin from the vine and it is soooo much cheaper then the ones in the store. Well, my attention is being demanded once again. TTFN (ta ta for now)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Josh's Update

Hi. I has been awhile since I have posted. We found out last monday that Josh has got the wonderful heart that I have. (Those of you who know me, know what I am talking about). He has been in the hospital for the past week trying to figure out what dose of medicine will help him. We hope they have got it figured out this time and we can come home on Friday. Other then that life has not changed much. Thanks to the mom's for stepping in when we really needed them, and taking time off of work. We love you guys! Hopefully I will stopped running for awhile and share some better times with everyone. T.T.F.N.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Messy boys!

Just when you think your life has nothing to blog about something happens and here we are. The other night I was cooking dinner and I hear it "raining" in our bathroom. It could only mean one thing, that Josh was having fun. Sure enough, I go in there and he had plugged the sink and was splashing water all over the walls and floor clear into the hall way. I had an inch of water on my floor. You would be proud of me, I didn't yell, I just made him clean everything up. Here is the proof...he can be taught!We have dug out the old high chair. It is harder to feed him in it then on my lap, because he see's the food coming and gets so excited that he hits the spoon with his hand before it reaches his mouth. He thinks that he could feed himself, you should see him with a sippy cup, it is to cute.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

My 2 big boys!

This is a picture of his awesome "big boy bed". He loves sleeping in it every night. It still makes me nervous that I might find him on the floor one of these days with a broken arm or something but he has slept in it for almost 3 months with just a few close calls. Alex is now sitting up. He sat for 10 min. straight yesterday so he could watch the geo trax train and airplane. He is growing up so fast. I also found out yesterday that he hates the beef and beef broth baby food. He made funny faces, spit it out, and refused to take another bite. I can't blame him, it kind of smells like dog food. He is doing really well on his rice cereal and veggies and growing a pound a week. Just just seems that way.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Childrens Museum

The day after Josh's birthday we went to the Discovery kids museum. Josh's favorite thing was the little people area with the houses, shopping and the dog house. He also really enjoyed the life flight heli. (I don't know where he gets it from) A.J. just hung out in his stroller and enjoyed the view. We took trax down town to add to the adventure.
Josh had a great birthday. He got a pirate ship that he plays with in the bath tub, a swimming pool, a new heli, a piggy bank, and of course his "big boy" bed. I haven't taken any good pictures of it yet, but I will post it as soon as I do. Thanks to Mark and Tara for the "who let the dogs out" music card. Josh couldn't get enough of it and neither could Mike. Uggh.
Sorry I don't post that often, but thank you for having faith in me and checking my blog anyway, even though I haven't changed it for over a month. By the way, I am looking for a part time job that I can do from home. If anybody hears of anything, please let me know. The Oveson reunion is next week and we are looking forward to having Cyrena, Chris, Baur and Emmit in Utah. We will see a lot of you then. TTFN

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

My Cuties

This is Alex in his blessing outfit. The morning was so busy that I had to take this picture 2 weeks after. He is getting so big. He started giggling a week ago and I can't get enough of it.

Josh getting ready for his preschool graduation program. His favorite song was "Leo the Lion". He didn't really sing but he was very cute.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Alex's Blessing

We have a neighbor who has a photography studio in their house and they were kind enough to take pictures of our happy family. If you would like to see what other kind of work they do you can go to They do really good work and they are inexpensive.
This is our little family at Alex's baby blessing this past weekend. We had a really good turn out. Thank you to all our friends and family for the support. We will have to have you back when the swimming pool opens.

This is my favorite rock band member. He loves the guitar and playing drums with his daddy. He starts his new preschool on May 6. He is graduating from New Sunshine Preschool on May 21st. I am so proud of my little guy.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Finding the right Dress

I need some advice on what to do about a semi-formal dress for Wicked on May 3rd and other cultured events. I have picked out these two. Please let me know what you like. I really like this dress, but I wont have it for Wicked on May 3rd. It takes 9 weeks to have it made and I am still losing the baby weight. Is it worth the wait?

I tried this one on in the store and it fit me really well except the length and the shoulders which are easy to fix. I could have this one for Wicked but I think it might be to fancy. What
do you think?

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter 2009

We dyed Easter eggs, hands, and the counters (sorry mom) at grandpa's house. I found that Dawes is the only egg dying kit that has 9 colors, everyone else only has 5. Just thought you would like to know.
This is Josh with Mike's big rocket. This was the first and last time it flew. The rocket engine malfunctioned and it hit the pavement hard. It was pretty funny. There was nothing really left of it.

We set up a tent in mom and dad's living room because it was too cold to go camping. So, Josh and Mike slept in it on Saturday night. Josh set up the inside of the tent with all the necessities including a chair, jeep, food and his sleeping bag.

This was Alex's first holiday and you know what he did...he slept the whole time. He did get an Easter basket with bottles and a fuzzy duck bunny. We even got him a rocket that was about the size of his whole body. It was raining almost the whole weekend so Alex stayed inside with grandpa while we launched rockets.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Potty training Josh

Look he's a big boy now. We have been potty training for the last 2 weeks and he has done wonderful. He has been dry every night. I did the 3 day potty training (it really took 5) but he hasn't had a lot of acidents except the #2 which we haven't even made it once. AAAH! If you have any suggestions let me know. I am getting good at my poker face "that doesn't stink, it smells like roses"ha-ha.

Alex getting bigger

Alex is getting so big. He is now 9 lbs. He currently has a stuffy nose and has the sadest little cry because he is horse. Brakes my heart everytime I hear it. He will be blessed on May 3rd at 9 Am with a small breakfast to follow. If you would like the address of the church please email me at and I can get you the directions.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Please welcome Alexander James Oveson

Alex was born on February 8, at 5:30 a.m.. Even though the doctor wanted him to wait for at least another week, Alex decided that he wanted to come into this world sooner. He isn't very big but he is strong and very healthy. Alex weighed in at a big 5 lbs even and was 19" tall. He lost a couple of ounces in the hospital but has added to his weight. He loves to eat and sleep which Josh doesn't really like. Or like Josh says "Baby cry!" He really doesn't cry that much only when he is hungry or we are changing his diaper. For weeks Josh has asked several times when baby come home and now he looks for baby all over the house and even today asked if baby was gone. In the next few weeks and even years I'm sure that he is going to take very good care of his baby brother. He loves being the big brother and even wearing his big brother t-shirt.

I was able to experience labor for most of the day on Saturday the 7th and thought about having a regular delivery but thank goodness Mike and I decided on a c-section. The cord was around his neck which would have caused a few problems. Thank goodness we were being watched over.

Being home is proving to be a little bit interesting trying to adjust to having two little boys. Mike will be having next week off and so with his help we will get used to our larger family. I'm just very happy to have Alex here and being healthy and strong.

Enjoy the pictures.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Little Update

Hi everyone,

It has been awhile since I last blogged. I am not very good at this yet. I have been a stay home mom for about a month now and I thought that I might have more time to do things that I wanted. It seems that my time is being demanded even more by my loving 3 year old.
Anyways, we had a wonderful Christmas. Josh got a lot of toys. His favorite being the geo trax train and airplane set and his helicopter. It was fun this year because he actually knew that Santa came.
On Christmas eve we went over to the Pratt's for a nice dinner. My brother and his family came in from North Carolina and surprised us. My brothers wife and my little niece, Clara, are staying in Utah for a wedding and leaving for home in March. Josh and I have been spending a lot of time playing with them. Josh and Clara get into a lot of trouble together, but they are really cute.
Just 2 more weeks for the baby to be here. I can't believe it. I am currently scheduled for a repeat c-section on the 16th. I don't know if I will make it that far, but I hope that I do. I am still up on my feet and keeping busy, although I don't have the energy or the ability to touch my toes anymore. I just can't wait to have my body back again.
We are thinking about naming this little boy Alexander James. He would go by Alex or A.J. What do you think? I was also thinking about Trevor Paul. It might be something completely different next week, but I was just wondering your opinions if you have any. I will see if Sandra will post some pictures for me when the baby is born.
Other then that I am just counting down the clock and praying for the best. Hope everything is well with you. T.T.F.N.